In the Micro-Moment Coaching Service, our team conducts multiple webinars each week to review and demonstrate how they use MMT’s proprietary Intraday Streaming Equities (ISE) charting tool to identify potential “sweet spots”. A sweet spot is when the indicators all line up in such a manner as to indicate a high probability the stock will move up or down in the next few minutes. With this information, investors are able to execute a Micro-Moment Trade regardless of market direction.
A Micro-Moment trade is the purchase of a call option or put option designed to profit from fast movement in the price. Trades usually last less than five minutes and often last less than one minute. Under no circumstance is a trade allowed to remain after the close of the market, so investors are 100% in cash at the beginning and end of each day. The Micro-Moment Coaching Service provides in depth, on-going training on how to interpret the ISE charting tool and enter/exit trades.
All transactions are secure and encrypted.